EnvirrroCare Club – Water and Environmental Engineering Tree Planting Campaign`22th March 2022


#Thefutureisgreen #Sustainability #Waterday #EnvirrroCare

The EnvirrroCare club is student association in LP dedicated to Environmental Protection and Activism. This year the club recently celebrated the globally recognised “World Water Day” which is on the 22nd March, 2022. To avoid losing precious teaching time the club decided to celebrate it early on the 19th of March.

The club supported through the support of the Water and Environmental Engineering programme travelled all the way to Mohale’s Hoek, to the village at of Ha-Ramoitoi.

Here the club held a Tree Planting Campaign accompanied by Harvest FM’s own Ocenea Kolo. Upon arrival club members were met by the friendly teachers of the Kolo-la-Pere Primary School and the village councilor.

The Tree Planting Campaign was aimed at reducing the extreme soil erosion experienced in the region which has led to the formation of deep gullies and loss of land. The EnvirrroCare Club received a donation of 100 Poplar tree sprouts from the Ministry of Forestry and Land Reclamation and promptly got to work.